Thursday, July 3, 2008

A solution...

So, whilst sitting in the downstairs lounge, waiting for my chicken to cook, listening to AC/DC live and reading my more recent copy of Psychology Today, I came up with a conclusion to the B problem.

He has clearly demonstrated that

a) he doesn't give a damn about me
b) he is irresponsible
c) he is completely untrustworthy

So, instead of being hostile, and not speaking to him, I will treat him like he is all of the above things...because he is.

He wants a favour? Absolutely not
He wants to borrow ANYTHING? no chance in hell
He wants to complain about stupid things? NOT LISTENING!

From now on, he's getting the same amount of extra consideration he gives me...none.


on a second note, here's an interesting question I read in my magazine...

"Do we invent our authentic self, or do we discover it?"

there was also an interesting quote, that said we all define ourselves as either introverted or extroverted, but we are all both, depending on context.

think about it...

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